We aim to deliver high quality professional services to our clients, working closely with them to help achieve their objectives, through building a deep understanding of their needs.
However, if you feel that we have fallen short in delivering the standards expected, we would like the opportunity to put that right as soon as possible – which is why we have laid out this complaints process, covering:
- What is a complaint
- How do I raise a complaint?
- What will happen after I have made a complaint?
- What can I do if I am still not satisfied with the outcome
What is a complaint?
Your normal day-to-day contact at the firm is empowered to resolve any problems or issues relating to your relationship with the firm, but from time-to-time it may be necessary to escalate this if the matter has not been resolved to your satisfaction.
For the purposes of this process, a ‘complaint’ is therefore defined as when a client:
- Feels strongly that their expectations have not been met; and
- Has not been able to receive a satisfactory resolution from their Relationship Lead; and
- Would like to bring a problem to the attention of the firm’s Managing Director and expects some form of redress.
How do I raise a complaint?
When making a complaint, please provide as much written detail as possible, including:
- Your name and contact details (address, email and telephone number)
- [if applicable] The name of the company you work for, and your job title
- Your usual point of contact at Anthony Russel
- The precise nature of your complaint, providing as much detail as possible – including any steps you have taken to resolve this with your normal point of contact.
Complaints must be made in writing so that the details are clear and complete, in the following ways:
By email (preferred), to:
(This inbox is monitored on behalf of the Managing Director, with all complaints being promptly drawn to their attention)
By registered post, to: Wayne Hockley, *CLIENT COMPLAINT*, Managing Director, Anthony Russel Ltd, 1st Floor, 11 Freeport Office Village, Century Drive, Braintree Essex, CM77 8YG
What will happen after I have made a complaint?
- You will receive an acknowledgement of your complaint (when submitted via ) shortly after sending
- You will receive a personalised acknowledgement, from a named contact at Anthony Russel
- The Managing Director will undertake an initial review of the circumstances of your complaint with your usual day-to-day contact
- We may need to contact you for further information or clarification whilst this review is ongoing, but will keep you informed of our progress and when you can expect to hear from us next
- You will be notified of the findings of the review, including any actions we propose to put things right.
We aim to resolve all complaints as promptly as possible, but we will respond in writing to all complaints within 28 days.
What can I do if I am still not satisfied with the outcome?
Whilst we will endeavour to resolve your complaint to your complete satisfaction, this may not always be possible. Where this is the case, you can refer your complaint to our professional body, the Institute of Chartered Accountants for England & Wales (ICAEW). You can find details of its complaints procedure here: ICAEW - How to make a complaint .