Helping your business to a more profitable future as well as reporting the past
Chartered Accountants & Business Development Advisers

Report Your Performance


Our payroll bureau takes care of all the stress and worry of running the payroll for your employees.

If you’re the business owner, this saves you the time and hassle of running the payroll each month, dealing with administration and keeping abreast of constantly changing rates and legislation.

Alternatively, an existing employee might be using their valuable time to deal with payroll instead of more productive tasks. Using our payroll bureau frees them up to use their time more effectively.

Either way, using our bureau alleviates the usual stresses that accompany year end paperwork.

And it’s completely confidential - your employees will never know anyone else’s rates of pay.

Our payroll bureau offers a cost-effective solution to an ongoing compliance requirement – especially when you consider that you’ll no longer need annual software support and updates.

And it’s easy to start - all you need to do is tell us each employee’s gross pay. We take care of all the calculations, advise you the amount to pay each employee and let you know how much you owe to HMRC and when.

"They get on and deal with my payroll so that I can get on with running my business."
Paul Taylor Managing Director, PTCE Limited

Summary of Benefits

  • Value for money, saving you time or employee costs
  • No need to learn and keep up to date with current legislation

For further advice on Payroll and how Anthony Russel may be able to assist, please call Tony or Wayne on 01376 550295 or via our contact form.